Stained Glass


Window Design Detials

At the time our Church was built, the subjects of all windows in the sanctuary were chosen by the pastor, Doctor George Arthur Frantz, and the architect, Mr. W. H. Nicklas. The chancel window portrays the Passion, Resurrection and Ascension of our Lord. The balcony window pictures persons and scenes in the Apocalypse. The ten clerestory windows above the piers and arches set forth New Testament subjects. The eight small windows in the ambulatories feature Old Testament subjects.

For the purpose of the following description, the windows have been numbered clock-wise in two groups, with the chancel, clerestory and balcony windows in a group surrounding the ambulatory windows.

1-2-3. The chancel window, consisting of three lancets, has twelve medallions depicting the Passion, Resurrection and Ascension of our Lord. Lancet 1 is in memory of Mrs. A. P. Mcconahay; lancet 2 is in memory of Mrs. A. Mollenkopf; and lancet 3 is in memory of Mrs. George H. Marsh.

4. The subjects are the Annunciation, Saint Luke, and the Nativity. The window is in memory of Elder William McGirr.

5. This window portrays the Adoration, St. Anthony of Padua, and the Circumcision. It is in memory of Elder L. C. Morgan.

6. Here the Presentation, Saint John the Evangelist, and the Massacre of the Innocents are depicted. The window is a memorial to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. L. Purmort.

7. In this window we see the Flight into Egypt, St. Francis of Assisi, and Christ in the Workshop. It is in memory of Miss Elizabeth Elcock.

8. This window, representing Christ before the Doctors, John the Baptist, and the Sacrament of Baptism, is a memorial to Mrs. Mary M. Maxfield.

9. The balcony window recalls the visions of St. John upon the isle of Patmos. It pictures Christ in the offices of Prophet, Priest and King, the Second Coming, the Church Triumphant, and the Glorified Christ. It is a memorial to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. McMillen.

10. This window portrays Christ Tempted, St. Mark, and the Raising of Lazarus. This window is given anonymously to the glory of God and the continuing progress of our Church.

11. The subjects of this window are the Entry into Jerusalem, St. Matthew, and the Purging of the Temple. It is a memorial to the Blachly Class, of which Mrs. H. W. Blachly was long the beloved teacher.

12. Here Christ is portrayed in the Home of Martha and Mary, and we also see the Magdalene, and Mary and the Gardener. This window is a memorial to the Reverend Thomas Elcock, the first pastor of our Church.

13. This window, depicting the Walk to Emmaus, St. Paul, and the Ascension, is a memorial to the Kemper family.

14. The Stoning of Stephen, St. Stephen, and the Appearance of .Christ to Paul are shown in this window, which is in memory of Mr. Russell Gwilym Jones and Mr. Arthur C. ,Gilpin.

15. Here the Visit of the O!,ieen of Sheba to Solomon, and the Institution of Circumcision are portrayed. The window is a memorial to Mrs. Ellen Wilson.

16. The Offering of Samuel, and the Rescue of Joash from Athaliah are the subjects of this window in memory of Mr. and Mrs. C.A.L. Purmort.

17. Here we see Jacob Fleeing from Esau, and the Building of Solomon’s Temple. The window is in memory of Mrs. Mary Manship.

18. The subjects are Solomon’s Prayer for Wisdom, and the Washing of Naaman in the Jordan. The window is a memorial to Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Carper.

19. This window pictures Esau, tempted to Sell His Birthright, and Elisha, Raising the Shunammite’s Son. It is in memory of Mrs. Nora Wise Leslie.

20. David’s Triumph over Goliath, and Lot and Sodom are the subjects of this window, which is a memorial to the Blachly Class.

21. The subjects depicted are Elisha and the Cup of Oil, and the Meeting of Joseph and Jacob. The window is in memory of Doctor Charles G. Church.

22. This window pictures Abraham meeting Melchizedek, and Elijah taken up into Heaven. It is a memorial to the Kemper family.