The Food Pantry is open Tuesdays 10:00AM to Noon and Thursdays from 4:00 to 5:30PM. Directing the Food Pantry are Mike Smith, Outreach Elder and Doug Roop, Assistant Pastor.
The Food Pantry Ministry has grown and grown since it started in 2005. In 2017 it served over 10,000 people, approximately 3,400 families. Presently it is serving 65 -75 families per week. They do not only give food in Jesus name, but take prayer requests also.
When a new client arrives their level of assistance is determined. They are immediately given food and supplies according to the level determined. Clients can visit the food pantry twice each month and are given 3 – 4 days worth of groceries for the household.
Sources of food and other items are donated from area churches, business food drives, individuals, Cooper Farms, and purchases from the West Ohio Food Bank. Sources of funds include area churches, individuals and businesses.
For more information please contact us.